From Kosice to Bratislava, Slovakia is engulfed in intergenerational design thinking! Dream Machine Inventors from primary schools are visiting the universities, giving feedback to the university students designing a concept for their Dream Machines.
That feedback is brutally honest. In other words: the university students can learn a lot from these amazing, yet demanding customers!
These children met up with the university students and professors to discuss the designed concepts, and have in-depth Q&A sessions with them, mainly exploring the limits of how to stay as close as possible to the original dream machine idea.
This is the very first time in their lives that they are at a university. While there, they also get the tremendous privilege of visiting different laboratories at different faculties and learning about all things science and research & development: from artificial intelligence, VR, to architecture, engineering, design, and energy.
If you thought that kids would come to the MyMachine Inventors Meeting, listen to a presentation from college students, give a few remarks and return to school – think again! The children asked many questions and suggested improvements that college students will now work on and move the concept into production in technical secondary schools.
Read more here:

Thank you so much to all involved from the Lozorne Elementary School, Fakulta architektúry a dizajnu STU, Duálna Akadémia, Nadácia Volkswagen Slovakia , Strojnícka fakulta STU v Bratislave, Drevárska fakulta and Fakulta techniky TUZVO, Strojnícka fakulta TUKE, Filozofická fakulta Prešovskej univerzity v Prešove, MagnaInternational, Embraco, BSH Drives and Pumps, Michalovce, SK, Deutsche Telekom IT Solutions Slovakia, Drevárska fakulta and Fakulta techniky Technical University Zvolen, ZŠ I.B.Zocha Revúca, ZŠ Šupkov, Banskobystrický samosprávny kraj.
And to our amazing MyMachine Slovakia team at Karpatska Nadacia!