Valuable take-aways from testing unfinished prototypes

Creating a machine that allows you to fly is demanding. Creating a machine that allows you to fly safely is perhaps even more demanding. 

One of the participating primary school classes in Norway had a special day today. These 3rd graders went to the technical/vocational secondary school vg2 Treteknikk, to test whether the prototype of their “Super-Fly-Machine” (Flyvemaskinen), actually works. 

This rough prototype only partially did that, and with that, the Flyvemaskinen became a good example of how to handle time in a production process, and the importance of testing in innovation. 

We are looking forward to the next, adjusted version of the Flyvemachinen which will have a slightly shorter, and with it, safer construction, hairy insect legs, hairy safety helmets and leaf blowers (to simulate moving through air).

Since we had a lot of kids there, we also tested another prototype. Could they easily climb on the “Lion Climbing Frame”. One of the children also came up with this brilliant idea: when painting the construction, we should conceptually think of the climbing frame as a puzzle, so that children understand how the parts can fit together. Clever thinking! The secondary students-artistic-experts will therefore now paint the prototypes even more magical.

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