We were so busy last year that we forgot to celebrate reaching a 7 figure milestone:
💪🏼1 Million student-hours of building creative confidence!
We’re now at 1.3M, which is like going to school* for 738 years.
* Not just any school, but probably the most creative Dream Machine School on the planet.
The MyMachine Co-Founders Filip Meuris, Jan Despiegelaere and Piet Grymonprez want to thank all students, educators, sponsors, donors, the board of directors, the supporting partners Howest University, Leiedal and Streekfonds, and all other stakeholders who joined us so far in this amazing journey of building creative confidence.
And it goes without saying that this amazing impact result is build on the strongest shoulders: our MyMachine coordinators and coordinating teams of our Chapter partners in Belgium (Howest University, Leiedal, Streekfonds, Basse-Meuse Développement), Croatia (IPOI), Kenya (Stadi Za Maisha Educational Trust), Kosovo (IDEON), Mexico (Fundacion Paso Del Norte), Norway (UiA), Portugal (Obidos, Vila Nova de Famalicão, Campo Maior), Slovakia (Karpatska Nadacia), Slovenia (Josef Stefan Institute), South Africa (Initiative For Community Advancement, Open Design Afrika), Spain (Fundació Tr@ms) and USA (LLC – Maker Educator Collective)!
All of you are amazing. We salute you!

Curious about the invented Dream Machines behind that 1 Million figure? Browse our database of Dream Machine ideas here:

A big hug to those who endorse our work, helping us grow our impact: Edward P. Clapp, Christina Smirgaglia, and Amy Kamarainen — Harvard University (USA), Angela Haydel Debarger — William & Flora Hewlett Foundation (USA), Christina Smiraglia — Harvard University (USA), Edward P. Clapp — Harvard University (USA), Hank Nourse — The New York Academy of Sciences (USA), Sir Ken Robinson — New York Times Bestselling Author (UK/USA), Peter Gamwell — Author (UK/Canada), Sir Richard Branson, Reimagine Education, Hundred, United Nations World Summit Award, Unesco, The New York Academy Of Sciences, Harvard – Graduate School Of Education, Reimagine Education (‘Oscars’ Of Education), Edtech Digest, Getting Smart, The Qatar Foundation, Wise (Qatar), Katerva, Designmanagement Europe, The Open Educational Global Consortium, The Creativity World Forum, Belgian Chamber Of Commerce, Flanders District Of Creativity, Agoria – Belgian Technology Industry Association.
And for now, back to work. We have brand new Dream Machines to build.