MyMachine Norway Exhibition 2023

With confetti bonanza and engaging words along the way from vice-chancellor of research and interdisciplinary efforts Hans Kjetil Lysgård and deputy mayor Erik Rostoft, functioning prototypes of five new Dream Machines were revealed in Norway last week!

These amazing Dream Machines are developed jointly by elementary school classes, vocational secondary classes, and engineering students and art students, with mentoring help from companies like Glencore Nikkelverket, NOV and the workshop at Kilden. If you are wondering why Nickelverket, named Norway’s smartest industrial company, contributes to creating cheeky pirate pigs that make you happy when you are sad and other dream machines, hear more about the exhibition and project on this radio post (Norwegian).

Students from the Knuden school were at the opening of this year’s MyMachine exhibition to see and test these amazing Dream Machines:

Pirate Pig Wiggly Funny – cheeky and multilingual pirate pig, which makes you happy when you are sad, invented by 2nd graders at Kristiansand International School

Speed Sweater and Love Sweater invented by third graders at Upper Slettheia school

Modular Based Climbing Rack Cat and Lion, arranged for children with impaired vision, invented by third graders at Karl Johan Memorial School

Stand-up Machine, which explores relaxation in the face, and sailing out of bed as a solution, invented by second graders at Kristiansand Steinerskole (temporarily kneeling after hard use)

Airplane, which gives you the feeling of flying at 1000 km/h sitting inside flying animals, invented by third graders at Tordenskjoldsgate school.

Now all the other involved students will go visit the exhibition. And you can join them, because if you are in or near Norway, then you are invited to go and test these Dream Machines yourselves, because the exhibition is on display until June 4th. at the Knuden cultural school’s new premises at Silokaia:

Tuesday 30/5 – Thursday 1/6 the building will be open at. 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Friday 2/6 the building is open at. 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Saturday 3/6 the building is open at. 11:00 – 16:00 (Odderøya Open)
Sunday 4/6 the building is open at. 11:00 – 16:00 (Oddeørya Open)

Many thanks to all students and educators involved! And many thanks to our amazing team at MyMachine Norway, led by Idunn Sem and Judit Premak!

For more about MyMachine Norway, see: