Sneak Peek into the transition of the MyMachine Step 2 (university level) into Step 3 (high school level)
MyMachine Norway offers us a Sneak Peek into the transition of the MyMachine Step 2 (university level) into Step 3 (high school level)!
Here’s a meeting where university students explain the concept they made to their vocational/technical high school peers. They discuss the concept and, should it be necessary, improve the design to streamline the production of the working prototype.
This Dream Machine is the “Spak and comfort” invented by the Primary Class at Solholmen School. It has many features:  it has to be a machine that
  • disperses small teddy bears,
  • lets you cuddle with a giant teddy bear,
  • lets you take a look inside the machine, how it works, and
  • not least has more mysterious “don’t press this” buttons.
The students at Kvdraturen High School will start building this amazing dream machine in collaboration with engineering student Benjamin and mentor Stein from the company Glencore Nikkelverket. Previously MyMachine Norway has had similar meetings for the other dream machines they are building in this year’s cycle.
We can’t wait to see this production evolve and how these students learn along the way!