Celebrating a year’s work of creativity: MyMachine Liège (Belgium) exhibition!

Imagine sitting in the class, and the teacher is asking you a question, but you don’t feel like answering it. Now, we have the solution: this Dream Machine is called “Willy”. Push the button, and it randomly points to one of your peers in class who needs to answer the question in your place!

In this school year in MyMachine Liège (Belgium), 13 schools co-created 6 amazing Dream Machines. Last Tuesday, these working prototypes were on display. All involved primary school children, and university students, gathered not just to discover their very own Dream Machine but also all other Dream Machines invented by the other participating classes!

Some Dream Machines still need some final adjustments, but that didn’t bother the ‘clients’ (the primary school children) to enjoy these prototypes. These children will help finish the prototypes with the last details in the coming weeks, including painting them in their favourite colours.

And all these students were not alone. We were thrilled to welcome the Vice-President of and Minister in the Walloon-Brussels government Frédéric Daerden and other government representatives, business leaders, and the media. The students were proud and thrilled to show the results of their year-long hard work!

Thank you so much to all involved students (primary, secondary and higher education), educators, business and government stakeholders, and all at Basse-Meuse-Dévelopment running the MyMachine Liège chapter!

Follow this link to a wonderful video coverage from the local news agency RTC and discover the other Dream Machines:

The National media company RTBF has published this great article (French) on the event!

And here’s an image gallery: