Meanwhile, in Portugal: students in Famalicão finished their co-creation magic on some of the invented dream machines of this year’s cycle.

Delivering Dream Machines is not the actual goal in MyMachine. Students participating in MyMachine learn how to bring their ideas to life by collaborating, respecting each other’s talents, and being persistent and resilient. They build their creative confidence and realise that their ideas can make a difference!

Yet, telling the story of the Dream Machines tells the story of so many students in Primary, Vocational Secondary and University level who collaborated, failed forward, and learned a lot of 21st-century skills during this endeavour.

‘O Soprador’:
Students of the Didaxis Technical School delivered ′O Soprador (The Blower)’:
this dream machine assists students in cleaning and collecting leaves from trees on the playground. The fallen leaves will then go to the compost container, which will fertilise their gardens.

Students of the 3rd grade Primary School of Delães invented this Dream Machine. Creating the working prototype, was made possible thanks to the support of Cristiano Silva from Sifamir Company and by Professor Carlos Brandão and his students.

The Child-Inventors love the result, as the working prototype was received with joy and a lot of excitement for the educational community, the representative of Didaxis, Professor Henrique Araújo, the municipal team and the representative of the Lusíada University, Pedro Reis.

This Dream Machine, invented by 3rd graders of the Primary School of Ruivães delivers healthy snacks!

The production of the working protype was made possible by the support of Cristiano Silva, from Sifamire Company, and by Professor Carlos Brandão and his students of the Technical Professional Course in Electronics, Automation from Didaxis

The machine was welcomed with joy by the educational community, the President of União de Parguesias de Ruivães e Novais, Duarte Veiga, the representative of Didáxis, Professor Henrique Araújo, the municipal team and the representative of the Universidade Lusíada, Pedro Reis.

Many congratulations to all students involved! Thank you so much for your commitment and energy. And thank you a lot to all of our MyMachine Portugal team!