Marión (Mexico) invented her Dream Machine (called Obvie) in the framework of our global MyMachine DreamsDrop Campaign 2022. This runs outside of the scope of our regular MyMachine Chapters across the world. Our annual MyMachine DreamsDrop Campaign allows us to engage with schools mainly outside of the geography of our existing Chapters.
This campaign was joined by thousands of students from 3 continents. It was such a privilege to meet one of them! And it was a real honour to hand over to Marión the proof-of-concept of her very own Dream Machine!
Marión’s Dream Machine was elaborated as a proof-of-concept by university students at the School of Industrial Product Design at Howest University (Belgium).
We had the privilege to welcome Marión to the campus of Howest University in Kortrijk. Marión was thrilled to meet the proof of concept of her Dream Machine in person. After some serious testing Marión was clearly satisfied with the work done by the Industrial Product Design students at Howest University!
Read all about this amazing adventure: