03 Oct201917th October 2019
MyMachine Belgium kick-off for teachers and university students

MyMachine Belgium kick-off for teachers and university students

MyMachine kick-off for educators from primary and secondary education and the higher education students: it’s all about planning, to-do lists, getting to know each other. But most of all: learning to see MyMachine through the eyes of the primary school children. Which means: starting from a blank sheet of paper: doing something that no-one has done...

02 Oct20189th October 2018
MyMachine Belgium Bootcamp for teachers

MyMachine Belgium Bootcamp for teachers

Here are some of the teachers who will guide their inventors and makers through the MyMachine process, starting next week. During the bootcamps in Howest University (Kortrijk) and PXL University (Hasselt) the teams from higher, lower and secondary got to know each other. The higher education students took all of them on a tour guide...