Put this helmet on. And all your friends can start read your mind on the screen.
Archives: Projects
The Homework Collecting Machine
Because I don’t like to make homework, I want a machine that makes it fun to hand in my homework to the teacher; that’s how I’ll get motivated to make my homework. The dog-shaped machine has 4 drawers. The teacher decides in which drawer the homework needs to go in. By using all the different handles,...
The Never Have Homework Machine
This Helmet is for the teacher in the classroom. Whenever the teacher would start thinking about giving the class some homework, the helmet will interfere with the brains of the teacher. Sending thoughts about the beach, hiking, playing and what not to distract the teacher from giving homework.
The Zombie Machine
This machine can make real zombies that protect you and help you doing things at home (if you ask them friendly). The machine hangs on a rope to your ceiling. You can put the machine in different positions: in the lower position it will scan for bad zombies below your bed and chase them away. In the...
The Recycling Machine
This machine sits on the playground of the school. It learns you to recycle as it invites you to put different kinds of waste in different bags. And at the same time it serves as a merry-go-round. The mechanics are specially made to give the machine a smooth merry-go-round movement. At the same time it...
The Inventors Game
In this interactive 3D-world, people are sad. With your red avatar, you need to pick flowers and give them to the people so they become happy again. This game is designed as a huge interactive 3D-world. In this game you can actually also go round and discover all the different dream machine ideas that have...
The Quarrel Solver
When two kids are fighting, they will use The Quarrel Solver to make them friends again. Both go to a different side of the machine. they need to turn the handles simultaneously. This is the only way the arrow in front will go to the middle of the screen. So they need to talk to...
The Spocker
This Spocker scans the room for ghosts. Only bad ghosts are chased away, because good ghosts will protect you during the night. The Spocker gives you a status report, so you can go to sleep safe and sound. The body is made of plastics. The design and moulding and production was a high level assignment...