Hugo’s mom: “Once again, I would like to thank you as a parent for the meaningful and imaginative activities with MyMachine. Such an amazing thing to transform ideas from the children’s minds into real results. We also applaud the idea of cooperation of the primary school students with older students from the secondary and university level. Our son was incredibly excited about the whole process of creating the Dream Machine “Mathematician”.
The visit to the high school in Dubnica nad Váhom left a deep impression. He talked passionately about robots, machines and everything he saw there and especially what he could try out himself. So maybe thanks to MyMachine, you opened new avenues of interest, and perhaps this has now determined his path into the future.
Thank you for the opportunity to be a part of it all.”

Thank you so much to our fantastic team of MyMachine Slovakia! We want to share this beautiful message from these parents to celebrate the enormous impact our team in Slovakia created with Hugo. But also to celebrate the reality that the total impact is with so many more students and educators!
Big shout out to our partners in Fakulta architektúry a dizajnu STU , Stredná priemyselná škola Dubnica nad Váhom ,@TAG , Trnavská Univerzita, Pedagogická Fakulta and ZŠ Na dolinách Trenčín.