MyMachine space at International Literature Festival Folio in Portugal

During Folio (6-16 October 2022), MyMachine Portugal runs a marvelous exhibition in Vila de Portugalbidos, with a selection of Dream Machines invented over the past years. Children, Parents, visitors of Folio, teachers and their students, are all invited to enter this amazing space. They are challenged to invent their very own Dream Machine!

Simon (6) for example invented the machine that makes dolls. And Adriano, Art Therapist, invented a machine that turns poetry into light!

Folio is the biggest international Literature Festival in Portugal. This year’s theme of the festival is ‘Power’, and guests will include US activist Nadine Strossen, Israeli author Zeruya Shalev and two Nobel laureates: Poland’s Olga Tokarczuk, and Nigeria’s Wole Soyinka.

It takes place in (Unesco’s City of Literature) Obidos, which doubles as the city where MyMachine started in Portugal, and where the MyMachine Portugal HQ are.

You are all invited!