The metropolitan area of Liège (Belgium, Europe), with 1.1 Million inhabitants, has developed a roadmap for the future. And MyMachine is part of it!
The objective of Liège Cap 2030! is to identify strategic priorities and structure projects to be implemented by 2030. Based on an in-depth diagnosis, the decision has been made to make Liège the “Triple A” Metropolis of Knowledge and Expertise:
- Augmenter le taux d’emploi — Increase the employment rate.
- Accroitre l’attractivité — Increase attractiveness.
- Accélérer la décarbonation — Accelerate decarbonization.
Over 3,000 people participated in the discussions and workshops to define this strategy.
During these numerous contacts, four concerns were recurrently expressed:
- The difficulty of recruiting the necessary staff in several sectors/companies.
- The problem of space availability to set up an economic activity or carry out an extension of activities.
- The wish for more increased and positive promotion of the region.
- The need for highlighting the strengths of the region.
We are thrilled that MyMachine has been identified as one of the major priorities to help boost the economic and social welfare of the beautiful, active and creative metropolitan region. Thank you so much to our amazing MyMachine Liège team at Basse-Meuse Développement!

You can find the roadmap here (French):