MyMachine Liège (Belgium, Europe) has been endorsed in this leading business magazine Trends-Tendances. The article states that “aeronautics is fighting to retain its talents. While the entire industry is fighting to attract technical and scientific profiles, aeronautics is still idling and fears a talent drain”.
The article features an interview with Clarisse Ramakers from Agoria, the most significant Technology Industry Cluster in Belgium, and Marie-Kristine Vanbockestal from Forem, the Walloon Office for Vocational Training and Employment.
In this interview, MyMachine is highlighted as an essential leading organisation to encourage young talents from an early age to engage in maker-centered-education and STEAM-education. We. take much pride to be featured as a solution to this pressing shortage of talents.
Many thanks to our amazing team of MyMachine Liège in the framework of Basse Meuse Développement!
(Article in French)