Join MyMachine with your school
There are TWO options to join MyMachine with your class or school (and both are free)

Option 1: Connect with a MyMachine Chapter in your country.
If you are a teacher, school principal, university professor or parent, and want (your child) to join MyMachine in your region, then check if we already have a running MyMachine Chapter in your country.
If your region or country is on the map, get in touch, and we will connect you to the MyMachine Coordinator in your country.
If your region or country is not yet on our map:
> choose option two (see below) or
> check out here how to set up an official MyMachine Chapter.
Option 2: Join our annual MyMachine DreamsDrop Campaign.
For Primary School Teachers
Step 1
Let the students in your class invent their Dream Machine, using our templates and guidelines.

Step 3
Download a personalised MyMachine Diploma for each uploaded Dream Machine idea.

AND, if you’re lucky, we might pick one of the ideas of your class and bring it to life with our educational partners. This is not a competition; it’s more like winning the lottery. We do this once a year.

For UNiversity professors
Do you want to give this unique experience to your students to translate Dream Machine ideas from children from around the world?
Get in touch, and we will gladly explain the context and conditions to connect with your students.