This school year’s ideation in Portugal is a wrap. Children in primary class were invited to invent their Dream Machine, and make a drawing of it.
Here is an example of the Furadouro School Complex. The children of the 1st grade presented their Dream Machine: a machine to collect food and help people.
After designing and selecting the machine they wanted to see built, they presented this to ESAD Caldas da Rainha university students. The university students carefully collected all the specs defined by their ‘customers’, the students in this primary school class.
Now starts Step 2 of the MyMachine methodology. The ESAD university students will design a concept. Within a couple of weeks, they will return to their customers to ask for feedback on their Proof-Of-Concept.
This is just one example, as MyMachine Portugal is collaborating with schools in the country’s North, Middle, and South.
We wish all students a creative journey, and we’re very much looking forward to the designed concepts.