MyMachine Mexico has delivered their first Dream Machines! The very first cycle took place in school year 2021-2022.
12 schools and educational programs in the city of Ciudad Juárez have participated. 4 primary schools joined (Primaria Domingo Bravo Oviedo, Primaria Tlacaélel, Primaria Ramón Espinoza Villanueva, and Colegio Hellen Keller) with over 70 primary school students.
These children came up with amazing Dream Machine Ideas, and collaborated in bringing four Dream Machines to life:
- Alcancibot: a piggy bank that Lía (6 years) dreamed of. Its main feature is to keep the exact count of the money being saved, so she can always know how much money she has saved and also helps you use mathematics and technology.
- Atom Cleaner: is the best ally to clean. Just as Mia (8 years) dreamed, she will help clean our city to maintain a good image, starting with cleaning the school areas.
- Geodésico: being able to travel to other dimensions is Emilia’s (11 years) dream, who dreamed of this geodesic that would help her stay out of the daily routine at times and thus enjoy visiting new places through projections.
- Odos: Edgar (6 years) dreamed of being able to maintain the trees with adequate water to have large trees, ̈Odos ̈ was created, to becomes the perfect ally to water trees and also keep count of irrigated trees.
University students in Electric Engineering, Industrial and Systems Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering, and Industrial Design from the Autonomous University of Ciudad Juárez were in charge of creating the design of the machines. To achieve this, they met in several sessions with elementary school students to learn more about the machine of their dreams and thus managed to connect the minds of elementary school and university students through teamwork.
Secondary students in Mechatronics Engineering, Nanotechnology and materials, and industrial design joined for Step 3 of the process: building actual working prototypes!
The results and the feedback are amazing, as Edgar Gamíz (6 years) testifies: “I was very excited to see that the machine I dreamed of could be designed and presented for more people to see. Many thanks to everyone who helped make my dream machine come true.”
All participants joined the MyMachine Chihuahua exhibition event, coming together in celebration for all the collaborative work done during many months of hard work.
Here’s a stunning video of this:
Thank you so much to all students and educators that joined, and many thanks our amazing MyMachine Chihuahua team at Fundacion Paso Del Norte!