Never be late for school again! Thanks to the Bed & Bam you are —bam— awake! This Dream Machine was invented by children from the 5th grade of the urban primary school Kuringen. Students from PXL made a concept of it, and it was built by students from the technical secondary school Campus Hast in Hasselt.
After working together for months, all students involved were able to test the Bed & Bam for the first time a few weeks ago at the MyMachine Flanders & Brussels exhibition at the Design Museum Brussels. After the exhibition, this Working Prototype returned to the ‘customer’ where it was ceremoniously received and put into use.
Fortunately for us, TV Limburg was also present and we can now experience this special moment via this link: click and experience the Bed & Bam! (Dutch):

Thank you so much to all students and educators! And to our MyMachine Flanders & Brussels (Belgium) team!