Using his professional background in creative consulting and innovation, Leonard Sommer started the research project Classroom Thinktank to encourage and enable dialogue and resources to be shared between creative industries and education.
Assuming the whole education system will need to make a radical transition in many countries worldwide, he asked more than 100 creatives and education futurists in 35 countries, to inspire parents, teachers, principals, and ministries of education to rethink 21st-century education. The book brings together inspiring and relevant thoughts, concepts and inspirations on a new organizational design, learning culture and role of the teacher and parents, as well as new teaching methods and an alternative assessment model.
We’re thrilled that MyMachine has been selected to be featured in this book! Thank you very much to Leonard Summer for including us in this list of amazing innovations in education.
The book is available in German and in English. More info on the book and how to buy it: