“This is an ideal school, I will enrol here to study”! “When I grow up, I’ll be an inventor”! Such words coming from fifth graders visiting the university, are a dream come true for us! When we create the right environment for students, they find opportunity and commitment. We are pleased by these sincere praises from children who were attending our Work-In-Progress event in Slovakia, excited and obviously inspired.
The-Make-My-Homework-Machine, Lollipop-Bots, and the-Relaxing-Chairs working on Newton’s pendulum, the Flying-Car, the Octopus-Shaped-Electric-Fanny-Pack-With-Mega-Box-for-Serving-Pencils, The Clothes-Sorting-Machine, and the-Find-My-Lost-Things-Machine, a the Learn-How-To-Talk-Nicely-Machine, the Please-Hug-Me-Machine, and the Luminous Playground. The design challenge for the university students was yet again on an imaginary high (level)!
At the end of Step 2 in our methodology, children in primary visit the university to give final feedback on the design for their Dream Machine, made by the university students. The children spent a morning full of action at the university and had a million questions and comments for the university students.
Next up: university students incorporate the final remarks into their design, after which the vocational secondary schools will start building!