In Step 3 of the MyMachine methodology, the big question arises in the minds of the Primary Students: “How do these Vocational/Technical Secondary Students build a working prototype of our Dream Machine?“.
Well, you know what? Let’s go and have a look!
Children from Primary School Odorín in Slovakia visited their peers at the Vocational Secondary Stredná priemyselná škola techniky a dizajnu Poprad. The Vocational Students under the leadership of Mr. Ing. Milan Hanzeli guided them through workshops and immersed them in the life of a vocational student at this school. The children could work with different workshop-machines and equipment.
But it wasn’t just a visit: they also had to work! They helped with assembling cabinets, wrapping wheels and paint spraying the front walls of the upcoming Robokáva Dream Machine. Robokáv turns boring coffee brewing for parents into an exciting journey full of puzzles for a tasty reward.
At the same time Vocational Students from Základná škola Trenčín under the leadership of Ing. Daniela Špániková and master Tomáš Peck, welcomed Primary Students from Stredná priemyselná škola Dubnica nad Váhom to their school.
The children did not hide their excitement that they could try out a few workshop machines themselves. Students Daniel and Matthew explained how they continue with the production of the invention Mathematician Hugo, which children dreamed of in October and will be able to experience it finished at the June EXPO!