Creative overload in Kortrijk (Belgium)! MyMachine Flanders & Brussels organised their 2nd Work-In-Progress Event this year: this time around for the participating schools in the Central and West part of Flanders.
150 students at the School of Industrial Product Design at Howest University of Applied Sciences elaborated concepts of Dream Machines invented by the participating Primary School Students. Over 150 children as well as the Vocational/Technical Secondary School Students -who will, later on, start building working prototypes- gathered at Howest University.
Concepts for Dream Machines like the Spread-The-Peannutbutter-On-My-Sandwich-Machine, the Travel-The-World-From-My-Bedroom-Machine, the Share-My-Emotions-Machine, and the Innovative-School-Desk were being presented. The customers, the Primary School Children, gave final feedback making sure the proposed concept fulfils all their wishes, while the Vocational Secondary Level Students analysed the producibility of the concepts.
This event was full of energy and loaded with very happy students (primary, secondary and higher education) and their educators and professors.