The book (ISBN 9780368359279) is now worldwide available via your local bookshop and online through various online book shops, including amongst others: (click through)
From the Co-Founders of multi-award winning MyMachine comes a book for community building, industry and education stakeholders:
What Is Your Dream Machine?
How Children Change Education Worldwide
Piet Grymonprez, Filip Meuris, Jan Despiegelaere
Whether you’re a parent, an educator, or the head of an organisation that wants to hire talent, everybody has an interest in education. An inspection of education systems around the globe reveals an outdated two-hundred year old model which no longer serves. Schools operate within the narrow confines of an erroneous understanding of what intelligence and creativity really are. The result is a system which all too often fails to recognise and nourish emerging young talent.
Around the world, new education models arise. MyMachine is one such leading example where it allows children to drive their own learning. MyMachine shines in its ability to unite and encourage collaboration among all levels in the educational system.
Leading thinkers, along with experts in creativity and education express in this book just how those participating in the MyMachine methodology can change the education system for the better.
Hardcover, 15×23 cm, 188 pages
ISBN 978-0-36-835927-9
Distributed worldwide by Ingram.
Available worldwide in online stores, as well as through your local bookshop and on e-readers.
When you buy this book, you don’t just get a good read, but you are also supporting the non-profit organisation MyMachine.
Sir Ken Robinson
“We need inspirational, practical examples of the vitality of creativity, the dynamics of collaboration and the power of possibility. That’s exactly what you’ll find in this inspiring account of the work of MyMachine”
Sir Ken Robinson is education and creativity expert, one of Time/Fortune/CNN’s Principal Voices, acclaimed by Fast Company magazine as one of “the world’s elite thinkers on creativity and innovation”, holds the most viewed TED-Talk worldwide and author of many New York Times bestsellers.
Hank Nourse - New York Academy of Sciences
“By engaging children’s imaginations and encouraging all members of the education community to share in their innocence, curiosity, and capacity to dream, MyMachine has the potential to inspire a love of learning that will serve participants for life”
Hank Nourse is SVP & Chief Learning Officer at The New York Academy of Sciences, member of IBE-UNESCO’s technical working group on Future Competencies and the Future of Curriculum.
Amy Kamarainen, Christina Smiraglia and Edward Clapp - Harvard Graduate School of Education
“Ultimately what strikes us most about the MyMachine model is its ability to cultivate wonder, joy, and a sense of community across school populations—and even across generations. These outcomes are evident in the examples of Dream Machines, just as they are in the faces of the young people and adults who have had the good fortune to interact with the program in some way. Wherever MyMachine chooses to go next, it is our hope that these three intangible outcomes—cultivating wonder, joy, and a sense of community—remain central to its mission.”
Edward P. Clapp is a principal investigator at Project Zero and a lecturer on education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Edward oversees several research initiatives, exploring topics that include creativity and innovation, design and maker-centered learning, contemporary approaches to arts teaching and learning, and diversity, equity, and inclusion in education.
Christina Smiraglia is a Senior Research Manager at Harvard’s Project Zero, where she has worked on multiple projects, including Arts Festival Impacts, Learning Innovations Laboratory, Art Works at Work, and Higher Education in the 21st Century. Her research interests are focused on informal learning environments and object-based approaches, and she teaches graduate courses on informal learning research and pedagogy.
Amy Kamarainen is a principal investigator and senior research manager at the Harvard Graduate School of Education where she manages research on the EcoLearn and AR Girls projects . Amy applies her understanding of ecosystems science and research to the design and evaluation of technologies that aim to support science learning inside and outside of the classroom.
Tom Vander Ark - GettingSmart
“MyMachine is the kind of methodology that gives young people confidence in complexity, initiative in opportunity and awareness in diversity”,
Tom Vander Ark is CEO Getting Smart, author, Forbes contributer, Linkedin Top Voice in Education, first Executive Director Education at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, previously served as President of the X PRIZE Foundation and is leading voice in education in the USA.
Peter Gamwell
“Ultimately MyMachine provides a model of a creative process that achieves a wonderful balance of unleashing of imaginative and unique ideas within a structure that is supportive, open and flexible. A great model for our learning organisations – be they in business, companies, or classrooms.”
Peter Gamwell is an author, presenter and an award-winning leader in education recognized nationally and internationally as a catalyst for district-wide initiatives that inspire and advance education; student, faculty, community and business engagement; and strength-based models and creative thinking.
Angela Haydel Debarger - William & Flora Hewlett Foundation
“MyMachine has great potential to set a vision for how we can realize authenticity, rigor and student ownership in PBL. MyMachine instantiates practices that require us to think differently about what challenge-based and project-based experiences can be, how we demonstrate evidence of effectiveness.”
Angela Haydel DeBarger is Program Officer at the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. At the Foundation, Angela DeBargers works with teams developing open educational resources and deeper learning experiences.
We are very grateful to have had the honour of having these amazing guest authors:
Amy Kamarainen — Harvard University (USA),
Ana Sofia Godinho — Creativity Factory Program (Portugal),
Angela Haydel Debarger — William & Flora Hewlett Foundation (USA),
Christina Smiraglia — Harvard University (USA),
Edward P. Clapp — Harvard University (USA),
Hank Nourse — The New York Academy of Sciences (USA),
Inger Margrethe Stoveland — University of Agder (Norway),
Jeremy Maarman — Initiative for Community Advancement (South Africa),
Sir Ken Robinson — New York Times Bestselling Author (UK/USA),
Laura Dittel — Carpathian Foundation (Slovakia),
Miguel Silvestre — Technology Park Óbidos (Portugal),
Mihajela Crnko — Videolectures.net (Slovenia),
Mitja Jermol — Jožef Stefan Institute (Slovenia),
Peter Gamwell — Author (UK/Canada),
Peter Wolbach — University Student (USA),
Sérgio Gonçalves — University Caldas da Rainha College of Arts & Design (Portugal),
Stan Greil — RSC (USA),
Terrence Byers — Fablab RSC (USA).
Thank you so much, to all of you!
Where to buy?
The book (ISBN 9780368359279) is now worldwide available via your local bookshop and online through various online book shops, including amongst others: (click through)
- Amazon.com
- in Belgium: in all shops Standaard Boekhandel shops and in their online shop
- in Portugal: Ler Devagar
- in South Africa: The Book Lounge
- Blackwell’s.co.uk
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- BookDepository.com
and also as e-book: Available for Amazon Kindle Fire®, Apple iPad®, Android devices, Mac and PC computers.