Established in 1970, the Korea Institute of Design Promotion (KIDP) is the only design body in Korea to plan and implement national design policies and strategies. Good Design Korea, hosted by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy and organized by the Korea Institute of Design Promotion, is the highest honour for design and innovation in the country since 1985.
MyMachine is recognised in South Korea’s Good Design Awards, and received this prestigious award winner accolade, not in one, but in two(!) categories: Social Impact and Service Design.

This extraordinary news was shared yesterday. “To receive such recognition is an immense honour for us. We are therefore highly honoured. It gives us another push to continue realizing our mission: to make as many students as possible realize that their ideas have the right to be taken seriously and to explore them. That is the core of entrepreneurial action, which is the solution to almost all challenges we face as people and as a society.
On behalf of my co-founders and me, a very special thank you to all students and educators who are involved in MyMachine. And to the MyMachine Global team in all countries in which we operate! Our MyMachine coordinating teams are passionate high-level professionals giving their all to deliver this unique and impactful experience to students worldwide! It is because of them that it actually happens. “, says Piet Grymonprez, Co-Founder & Managing Director of the MyMachine Global Foundation.