164 students co-creating Working Prototypes! That is exactly what has just happened in Mexico!

Children in primary classes of Escuela primaria Solidaridad 2666, Escuela primaria República de Venezuela, Escuela Ford 180, and Instituto Kurowi invented over a hundred Dream Machines.

A group of students from different engineering disciplines (Industrial Design, Mechatronics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Biomedical Engineering) at the Autonomous University of Ciudad Juarez shaped each of the Dream Machines into a Concept . This was achieved through a series of work meetings they had with the child-inventors (the customer) to deeply understand the idea.

And they made inspiring Dream Machines, like:
Clara: The Love-Giving-Machine

Robomax: bringing Fun and Joy to the room

Macruz is a Time-Traveling-Machine

Dinomaker is bringing dinosaurs back.

The students have learned so much in this endeavour! Why having ideas is important, how to express them and how to bring them to life: by collaborating, respecting each other’s talents, and by being resilient and persistent. They have learned that their ideas matter and can make a difference!
Here are exciting videos showing the launch of this year’s MyMachine Mexico cycle:
And here is an interview with Lliuvia Bárcenas from MyMachine Chihuahua (Mexico) at the final exhibition of this year’s MyMachine Mexico cycle:
Thank you so much to all students and educators, and to our MyMachine Chihuahua (Mexico) team at Fundacion Paso Del Norte!