Incredible milestone. For the first time in Germany, Primary School Children —in Baden-Württemberg— from the Galileo Bildungshaus school invented their Dream Machines! Guided by the students of the University of Stuttgart, these children in eight classrooms were given our life-changing question: “What Is Your Dream Machine?”. Almost 200 Dream Machines were invented!
Last week, the university students also visited Max-Eyth-Schule, the vocational secondary school that will produce the Working Prototypes, to understand the material and production options they can use in designing the Dream Machines.
The interaction between the Primary School Children and the College Students was amazing! We can’t wait to learn more about their experience, how they learn, and what Dream Machines they invented!

Thank you so much to all students and educators involved, and to our MyMachine Baden-Württemberg team at Initiative Classroom Thinktank e.V.!