Hi there ! My name is myBOO !

myBOO !
Hi there!
Nice to meet you! I’m myBOO.
I was invented by students participating in MyMachine and elaborated in collaboration with the design company Vanhalst, 2 Give and Enjoy.
I am a happy, good ghost that will protect you during the night. Yes, that’s right!
First, I scan your room for evil ghosts and then I let them disappear. My other good-ghosts friends and I will make sure you’re safe!
And we keep you safe all night.
Sweet dreams!
I come in two sizes, each with their own fabulous features:
You can buy me in a shop near you.
In The Box

myBOO 20cm
The moment I start working you’re immediately safe.
First I search the room for ghosts. For hunting them I turn red.
When I see other good ghosts I tell them they should stay as well. Then I’m blue.
And when I’m sure your house is completely safe, I turn green.
Then I’m white, which means I keep you company and keep you safe asleep.
Sweet Dreams!
This takes about 15 minutes. But you can speed it up by touching me!
ps: I’m rechargeable via a USB socket.
1 hour charge = 8 hours of use = 32 days (when using 1 cycle of 15 minutes a day)

myBOO 50cm
The moment I start working you’re immediately safe.
Connect your smartphone or tablet via Bluetooth to play your favourite music.
Use the remote control to:
choose my evil-ghost-hunting-colour
choose brightness of the light
choose auto-color-change following the tempo of the music or smoothly
music volume up and down
switch music tracks
make a Bluetooth connection
put me on or off.
ps: I’m rechargeable via a USB socket.
4 hour charge = 8 hours of 100% light-intensity and music-volume
This is my becoming !

The idea for an evil-ghost-hunting-machine originated through STEP 1 of the MyMachine methodology, which in my case, started in a classroom at the Primary School SBS Centrumschool in Harelbeke (Belgium).

Then in STEP 2 of the MyMachine methodology, the idea was conceptualised by Industrial Product Design Students at HOWEST University of Applied Sciences in Kortrijk (Belgium).

In STEP 3 of the MyMachine methodology, I was build for the first time as a working prototype by students at the Technical Secondary School called Guldensporencollege Campus Engineering in Kortrijk (Belgium).

Years later, I was mentioned on a meeting between the MyMachine Global Foundation and Atelier Pierre – Junior. That sparked STEP 4.
It never happens in any product design process, that a prototype can become a distributed product right away. There’s always still a huge pile of work to learn from the prototype, to rethink and redesign it into the next step of becoming a real product. In my case, professional product designers from the company needed to completely rethink me for me to be able to become myBOO.
The company invested big time in recreating and redesigning me. They produced new designs, new layouts, new prototypes of me, defined new materials for me and then prepared all the technical specifications and designs for those fancy production machines to be able to produce me.
The company also invested hard on obtaining all necessary legal certifications and went on to make a lot of moves on Business-to-Business fairs to sell me to distributers in many countries.

Note from the Managing Director and Co-Founder of MyMachine
From the very start of MyMachine and still today, we keep on emphasising that MyMachine is all about the process: the possibility for young students to discover what it takes to bring an idea to life, learning in an open education context to be creative and entrepreneurial, to co-create, to respect each other’s talents, to discover STEAM, to discover why it’s important to keep on dreaming, to build creative confidence. And all of this inspires teachers and professors to think about education in a different way so that they can improve the education system from within.
But also from the very first run, we did acknowledge that we shouldn’t be blind to the opportunity that a few ideas might have potential as a market viable product.
So today we are very proud to announce that one year ago, we have started a collaboration with Vanhalst, 2 Give And Enjoy; a Belgian family owned company selling products in 32 countries worldwide. The company is now making a big investment to transform the product-idea into a real life product, to make sure that it complies with all regulations for each of the countries the product could be launched in and to get all necessary certifications, organise production, distribution, marketing and sales.
The product itself will be labeled as a MyMachine product. By purchasing myBOO you will be very much aware that you are not just buying a great product, but by doing so, also support MyMachine. This means that part of the revenue is coming back to the MyMachine Global Foundation; which will enable us to keep on providing MyMachine for free to all the participating schools.
So thank you for buying myBOO!
You are thus supporting our cause: helping students to build creative confidence, and improving their education system!
Piet Grymonprez, Co-Founder & Managing Director
2 September 2019.